Christian Monuments: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox
Christian tradition requires placing a memorial on the grave of the departed after a funeral. The church does not make strict requirements about the specific form and shape of the monument or when a Christian monument should be placed. It can be a single or double Christian headstone, a monument in the shape of a cross, as well as taking the most beautiful and unusual shapes. Christian monuments can be engraved with religious symbols, stories or quotations from the Bible.
There are three major branches of Christianity: Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. Every country in the world has at least one Christian community. Brooklyn, NY is a mix of many religions, nationalities and denominations. Arcadia Monuments specializes in headstones for different religions and in particular Christian.
- Catholic monuments. Catholicism is one of the major branches of Christianity. The Catholic faith is characterised by different rites and great attention to detail. Therefore, a classic Catholic monument looks more opulent than an Orthodox headstone. Catholic Christian headstones are characterized by many decorative elements and ornaments, but there are also exceptions in the form of small plates, devoid of any frills, nevertheless, looking very dignified. According to Catholicism traditions, one should use only Latin, but the relatives can order Christian monument not exactly following the strict rules of Catholicism.
- Protestant monuments. Gravestones on Protestant graves can be of various shapes, from a strict cross to a monumental structure. The most common is a granite slab with data about the departed and a quote from the Bible.
- Orthodox monuments. Traditionally, Orthodox monuments should be discreet, as recommended by the canonical church. Modern realities sometimes force deviations from the canons and luxurious Christian monuments at Orthodox cemeteries are not uncommon these days. It is important that luxury is not tasteless and flashy.
Arcadia Monuments Company offers not only a wide range of Christian monuments but also expert help in making the right decision in choosing a tombstone. The company staff will provide a catalogue with many variations of the tombstone, develop a design, apply individual information on the stone, and carry out the decorative work.